
Suspendisse elementum id faucibus arcu aliquam scelerisque malesuada at ipsum vitae elit tincidunt sit sed mi.

Experience the Growth Today!

Creating an inclusive workplace does not just happen.  It must be cultivated through intention.  In fact, it is said if you are not intentional about inclusion you are certainly excluding.  

This training begins with an introspective approach in cultivating a mindset that is vitally relevant with and in today’s rapidly changing workforce environment.  We will confirm how diversity, equity, and inclusion make us smarter. If leaders are deliberate in making sure that all employees and clients are participating to their fullest potential and they feel valued, respected, and appreciated for their perspectives and contributions, they will individually and collectively gain higher outcomes/results.   This New IQ concept introduces the brain science behind inclusion and how to leverage it as an organizational tool to improve performance, work relationships, client services, and job satisfaction. 

Navigating A Multi-generational Workplace

Why are many companies, education institutions, firms, and corporations expending significant time and resources to understanding the impact of generational diversity?  Because for the first time in history – five somewhat distinct generations are being asked to be in alignment, co-exist and produce outstanding outcomes in the same space.

In this inclusion intelligences series, we will explore the innate habits, practices, beliefs, attitudes, and cultural norms of each of the five different generations. This course showcases the benefits of maximizing the quality of engagement between the people belonging to these five cohorts and provides tips and strategies to improve multi-generational synergy, communication, leadership, and mentoring.  This session is designed to leverage multi-generational improved performance, work relationships, client services, and job satisfaction. 

Exploring Intersectionality and Its Relationship to Service Equity

Intersectionality is a fact of life for each of us.  A term coined more than 30 years ago by legal scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw; Intersectionality suggests that the different facets of our identities, from race to gender, disability, citizenship, socioeconomic to sexuality, all intersect and help shape our experience of the worldand the opportunities and/or discrimination we face.

We will explore intersectionality and our role in creating a more equitable and inclusive service workplace and community.  We will critically explore how the notion of diversity, equity, and inclusion impacts us individually and collectively, thus allowing us to gain higher outcomes/results.   

How The Process Works

Schedule a Discovery Call

Arcu venenatis vulputate eget id id magnis ultricies quis eu donec lobortis quisque curabitur aliquet ultrices.

Book Your Coaching Session

Mauris ac ac suspendisse imperdiet vulputate mi sit turpis sapien, dui curabitur pretium hac cursus.

Experience Your Growth

Mauris ac ac suspendisse imperdiet vulputate mi sit turpis sapien, dui curabitur pretium hac cursus.

This series should be mandatory for everyone in our organization.  The exercises, roles plays and case studies helped me to see things from different perspectives and brought all the classes in the series together. Advocating Your Position was my favorite, we are going to form a committee to advocate working from home :).  Thank you!  Very well done! 
~EPA Participant 
Interpersonal Communication Series

Change Begins with a Single Step

Ac cum nunc vitae ut turpis praesent nunc odio lorem dictumst vestibulum sem pharetra urna pretium.